Siedle provide logos for its partners to show customers, contacts, colleagues and competitors what special qualifications they have acquired in relation to Siedle products and services.

Products and systems as well as the accompanying media in which technology from Siedle has been deployed are identified with the logo for Siedle systems technology.

Siedle studio partners

As a Siedle studio partner, you can use this logo on your communication media to make your outstanding qualifications for consultancy, installation and maintenance in connection with Siedle products visible to customers and contacts.

The use of the logos is subject to a valid sales partnership with Siedle. Each and every use must be coordinated with and approved by Siedle. Approval is subject to compliance with the guidelines for use. Any processing and distortion of the logos is excluded.

Notes on using the Siedle studio partner logo

    Schutzzone Siedle Studiopartner-Logo


    The logo must always be used in such a way that the protection zone is maintained and the size specifications are complied with. It must always be subordinated to your own image/logo; Siedle is a partner, not the originator!


    The studio partner logos are supplied as closed data and can be used without modification.

    Colour versions

    The logo is available in a black version with white text and a white version with black text, both for printing and digital use. The black version should be used primarily in all media and applications, and the white version only in absolutely exceptional cases. For printing, the white version is only available as a vector file (EPS). Other colourings are excluded.

    Protection zone

    The protection zone, i.e. the area around the logo which must not contain any graphic, disruptive elements, is one third of the height of the logo square in each direction.

    Protection zone = logo height/3


    In order to display an appropriate effect for the viewer, the logo should be used in the minimum sizes corresponding to the respective application. The following information always refers to the width of the logo, as the height may vary due to the addition of competencies.

    Business card: 25 mm
    DIN long: 30 mm
    DIN A5 & A4: 30 mm
    DIN A3: 40 mm
    DIN A2: 80 mm
    DIN A1 & A0: 120 mm
    Digital use: approx. 150 pixels (It is essential to guarantee the legibility of the elements, particularly the addition of competencies.)

    Addition of competencies

    If you are certified for the planning, commissioning and administration of Access systems, you can demonstrate this by using the logo version with the “Access Certified” competency suffix.

    If you offer Siedle customer service, you can demonstrate this with the logo version bearing the “Customer service” competency suffix.

    Siedle partner

    As a Siedle partner, you can use this logo on your communication media to make your particular qualifications for consultancy, installation and maintenance for Siedle products visible to customers and contacts.

    The use of the logos is subject to a valid sales partnership with Siedle. Each and every use must be coordinated with and approved by Siedle. Approval is subject to compliance with the guidelines for use. Any processing and distortion of the logos is excluded.

    Application notes for the Siedle studio partner logo

      Schutzzone Siedle-Partner-Logo

      Schutzzone Siedle-Partner-Logo


      The logo must always be used in such a way that the protection zone is maintained and the size specifications are complied with. It must always be subordinated to your own image/logo; Siedle is a partner, not the originator!


      The partner logos are supplied as closed data and can be used without modification.

      Colour versions

      The logo is available in a black and a white version. Depending on the background, the version that is most effective should be used. Other colourings are excluded.

      Protection zone

      The protection zone, i.e. the area around the logo which must not contain any disruptive graphic elements, is equivalent to the height of the “Siedle S” in each direction.


      In order to display an appropriate effect for the viewer, the logo should be used in the minimum sizes corresponding to the respective application. The following information always refers to the width of the logo, as the height may vary due to the addition of competencies.

      Business card: 20 mm
      DIN long, DIN A5 & A4: 35 mm
      DIN A3: 45 mm
      DIN A2: 100 mm
      DIN A1 & A0: 158 mm
      Digital use: 120 pixels (It is essential to guarantee the legibility of the elements, particularly the addition of competencies.)

      Addition of competencies

      If you are certified for the planning, commissioning and administration of access systems, you can demonstrate this by using the logo version with the “Access Certified” competency suffix.

      If you offer Siedle customer service, you can demonstrate this with the logo version bearing the “Customer service” competency suffix.

      Siedle customer service and Access certification

      If you are not yet a Siedle partner or Siedle studio partner, but your company offers Siedle customer service or has achieved certification for Access systems, you can make this visible with these logos.

      Application notes for Siedle customer service and Access certification logos

        Schutzzone Logos Siedle Kundendienst und Siedle Access Certified

        Schutzzone Logos Siedle Kundendienst und Siedle Access Certified


        The logo must always be used in such a way that the protection zone is maintained and the size specifications are complied with. It must always be subordinated to your own image/logo; you are the originator, not Siedle!


        The partner logos are supplied as closed data and can be used without modification.

        Colour versions

        The logo is available in a black and a white version. Depending on the background, the version that is most effective should be used. Other colourings are excluded.

        Protection zone

        The protection zone, i.e. the area around the logo which must not contain any disruptive graphic elements, is equivalent to the height of the “Siedle S” in each direction.


        In order to display an appropriate effect for the viewer, the logo should be used in the minimum sizes corresponding to the respective application. The following information always refers to the width of the logo, as the height may vary due to the addition of competencies.

        Business card: 20 mm
        DIN long, DIN A5 & A4: 35 mm
        DIN A3: 45 mm
        DIN A2: 100 mm
        DIN A1 & A0: 158 mm
        Digital use: 120 pixels (It is essential to guarantee the legibility of the elements, particularly the addition of competencies.)

        Your contact

        Communication design